Different Types Of Fractures

The femur bone, which is the main bone for the leg is a vital part of the skeleton.


It is this bone that helps to maintain the joint and ligaments surrounding it


When the body breaks down bones at any point in its life the bones can also break into pieces. These pieces are referred to as dislocations. There are three basic types of dislocations, which include a bone fracture, a bone bruise and a bone sprain.


A fracture is caused when the bone becomes damaged either physically or psychologically. This happens when a bone is knocked or bent out of place. When this happens, a doctor will examine the bones, the surrounding bones and ligaments and the surrounding tissues to determine the severity of the injury and whether or not there is an underlying cause.


A bone bruise is caused when a piece of bone is pushed inside the bone. This causes the blood to flow around the injury. When the blood has been allowed to harden in the area of the injury, it is referred to as a bone sprain.


A bone sprain occurs when the body's immune system reacts to an injury by attacking the injured bone. If a person has a sprain they will notice pain and swelling around the bone.


When a person has a fracture, they will need to be examined by a doctor for bone removal. If there is any internal bleeding or other complications that you have noticed, you may have to have the bone removed. An X-ray will also be required. Once this procedure has been completed you will be given medication that will help you heal and help your body to repair the bone.


A bone bruise can occur in a number of ways but most often a piece of bone breaks off from the bone when the bones are pulled apart


If you have suffered this type of fracture you will notice bruising around the area of the injury and will experience pain. You may also feel some pain in the knee area.


Bone fractures are very serious and need to be treated immediately. You should contact your doctor right away so that the bone can be properly repaired and the healing process can begin. You should also follow the directions provided by your doctor and rest the affected bone until the bone has healed.


Another fracture of the bone is called a dislocations fracture. In this case the bone will come off of one bone and protrude from the other. It is often caused when a person falls and breaks a bone. This type of fracture can be quite painful and can occur in a number of places on the body.


A hip fracture is caused by a dislocation or twisting of the hip bone when someone falls and hits the ground. The bone in the thigh can break or shift, causing it to go into another bone. It can happen in the area of ​​the legs or lower back.


Hip fractures are very serious because, if not cared for properly, they can lead to hip osteoporosis. or arthritis of the hip.


There are several different reasons why a bone can dislocate from a hip. When you are injured from a fall, it can twist the bones and break or displace the bone, called an iliac fracture.


If the femur breaks in a fall, the femur will fracture on one side of the bone. You may feel pain in the upper thigh. Sometimes you may feel numbness or pain around the joint. A hip fracture can be treated with surgery. You can learn more about treatment on the website cth.co.th.